We need HERO Stories

Change the world news! It's Sunday morning...

Aug 5th, 2019

Koushik Dey

We need HERO Stories

5 Min Read

Change the world news!

It’s Sunday morning and I’m taking a quick peek at the mini screen that follows me everywhere like a faithful puppy dog. I promised myself this weekend – “no looking at that damn screen!”
I broke down – I am so weak, just a quick sneak peek at the news…..

– 9 killed in Ohio mass shooting spree
– 20 dead, more wounded after gunman attacks Texas shoppers
– Hong Kong protesters – another day of anger and …
– Iran seizes another tanker
– California beach… cliff collapse kills 3

and it’s just more and worse news. Aghhhh! How depressing!  🙁
What about one positive story?! How about one person’s Hero Story?
Something that can put a spring in my step, encourage me, inspire, strengthen… so I can deal with all that other “world is going to hell” scary, anxious stuff.

How’s this for some news Headline ideas?!

– Living every day and loving a suicidal 9 year old
– It’s really Hard but I chose Hope!
– I have an awesome blended wonderful family
– Definition of Success – “Falling Down 9 Times, And getting’up 10”
– Cassandra, you are fighting a battle you didn’t ask for with faith, love, and hope. I admire your strength.
– I Conquer depression daily.
– My Auto Immune Disease is a part of my life, not my whole life! Use it to help other’s suffering in the same way… Miss you, Eddy
– I wrote a book which lead me to the idea of THE HERO WALL (guess who?)

Real Hero Stories by everyday people like you and me, posted to our Hero Wall in New York City in June. {THE HERO MOVIE 2m25s}

Every moment in the present becomes a story locked in time forever into the past. Popular media- reports on the sensational tragedies of humanity that are most likely to entertain the masses. Yes, we need to hear these stories – they are the reality and reflection of our society – and if we are unhappy about what we see and experience we should do something about it. And to change the world for the better we need to be inspired and motivated en masse.

This is why I have introduced The HERO WALL. And I want to ask YOU to submit your Hero story and change the world.

It is super easy to be aggrieved about the small and big stuff, we lug around our negative ideas and thoughts about real and unreal injustices. It’s like a burlap bag filled with weights that you haul around everywhere. The rough sack material scratching at your skin and the twine strangling your bruised fingers. It is backbreaking and sucks out your creativity, love, and productiveness. It’s the path of least resistance and though we may be in pain it takes great personal effort and ambition to change the world by turning these grievances into hero stories. It’s all of our Hero Stories. We need to hear positive stories and celebrate the Heroes within all of us. To change the narrative you have to walk the walk. YOU can change the world by sharing your hero story so that others can see it and be inspired and take action.

Join the journey! Let’s change the world and move through walls … let’s create hero stories. Because every Hero deserves to tell their story! (MTW, Page 99) And … we need heroes!.

Step forward and post your hero story to The hero story wall . It’s easy. Takes seconds to do and you never know who you can inspire or how you can save a life with your six words (MTW, Page 210). All of us can remind each other of the greatness within each of us. Our lives are a gift to humanity. No matter where you are in this world you deserve to tell your hero story. With each hero story, so many more people are inspired and motivated to make their hero stories happen.

What readers are saying on Amazon

In Moving Through Walls I have narrowed the answers to four foundational principles. These ideas are tools to achieve the life you want to live. Embrace them and make them your own.

– Israel Ellis


I wrote Moving Through Walls out of a purpose to share what I have learned.

If you have a deep desire to find that road less travelled to your greatest self. Then you have likely come to the right place.

author section_Israel_portrait


Submit your Hero Story

Lets make the HERO WALL happen Be a hero, change the world! Tell your Hero Story Here

Feel good, safe, open, smile, express, learn, experience, hope, dreams, strengthen @ movingthroughwalls.com .

YOU are the hero that will change the world!

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