Looking forward to brightness and possibilities for 2021
10 Min Read
I came across this mobile sign during one of my daily neighborhood walks. The message reads, “Good Riddance 2020”. This got me thinking. While I appreciate the sentiment, though I feel a rather poor attempt at levity, I instantly felt that we should not be feeding into the grievances of the past but rather be encouraged towards the future.
Yes! one can easily lament that this year has been one of the most difficult in recent history. Some say it’s been one of the worse. The year has played havoc with livelihoods and lives. The anxiety of lockdowns and the unknowns have been very stressful indeed, giving rise to unprecedented mental health issues. Yet, we have strived to overcome these feelings of isolation; the reality of loss; the intense anxiety; and this impending unknown – like the sound of a train roaring towards you, bracing yourself for impact. We have succeeded in overcoming and I don’t think we need to rid ourselves of that newfound strength. Do you?
Many good things have happened this year. Babies were born, people were married, love found, and life has flourished in different and new ways. Do we really want to say good riddance to that too?
Let’s take a step back, and for a moment consider this: There is a force much larger than ourselves, with a plan that is for our betterment. I realize that idea today may be a difficult stretch for some – but for just a moment, let’s consider these questions:

What about the advancement in scientific research that this year forced? We now have medical technology that can save us not only from this virus but others, maybe even from cancer and other diseases. We have proven our collective ingenuity to make progress in lighting speed.
Much have changed rapidly this year. We have redefined the workplace – the freedom of working from anywhere not limited by time. Necessity has truly proven to be the mother of invention; we have pushed forward into the future with an urgency and explosion. A phrase will be pronounced to label this period as history unfolds the change and embraces the innovation into our daily lives.

This year my family has spent quality time together like never before. We have connected, grown, and learned more about each other. I have gotten to know my neighbors. But even more impressive is the growth of our global community. The polarizing spectrum of differences has forced meaningful awareness and discourse. Interconnected social, justice and environmental issues have gained voice.

I struggle with what I can only term as the tragic commoditization in the loss of life. Every person has a name, every person counts. In their wake are left the loss of those left behind. Livelihoods destroyed; businesses failed. We need to send a message to the person next to us: “You are not alone, you are recognized, you are a hero to survive and rebuild. It is okay to ask for help.”
I must believe everything that happens has magical serendipity that only reveals itself in a time gone by as we look in the rear-view mirror or yesterday. So, buckle up. It happens starting with Day 1 of 2021. Gratefulness for every day to recognize what we have gained. I am looking forward to the amazing things that are going to happen, the changes we will make, the betterment of ourselves and humanity.
This sign should read “looking forward to the brightness and possibilities for 2021”. Get the message? Happy New Year ahead.
Israel Ellis is the author of Moving Through Walls (2019), CEO of AdvancePro Technologies, and Co-Founder of 365 Investment Partners. visit www.israelellis.com
Moving Through Walls contains practices, philosophies, attitudes, and anecdotes that will challenge one’s assumptions and inspire them to commit to new, transformational practices. Israel Ellis takes us on a journey to explore how we limit ourselves when instead we can optimize our potential.
– Aubrey Dan | Amazon.ca
I thought I was going to breeze through this book on a flight– but I was pleasantly surprised by how incredibly touching and powerful the content was. I found myself immersed in the story, the teaching and coming away from each chapter in deep introspection for how to re-align my life and be more present. Now, 7 days later after having finished the book, I feel reinvigorated and inspired. Thank you, Israel, for so vulnerably sharing your truth and takeaways! #LivingMyLifeOnMyTerms
– Liz J. Simpson | Amazon.com